First Graduating Class of 2013.

That’s the class that B and I graduated in at the CrossFit box where we attended the on-ramp course. And we are stoked to begin our indefinite lasting graduate program.

Last night’s WOD looked like this:

3 RFT:
10 Thrusters (33#)
10 Burpees
200m Run

I felt pretty good afterwards. Well, after getting over the feeling like death part, of course. I know I have a long way to go.

After the class B and I stuck around and talked to the coach for a while to talk about stretching (B’s super tight in his shoulders and back). He showed us some really good stretches that B could really feel in his shoulders and back. We also talked with the coach about how badass we are long it takes before one (generally) isn’t as sore on the next day. And (obviously) the more one does whatever they’re doing, the more the body gets used to it. So there may be some soreness, but it won’t be as sore.

B and I started talking about CF on the way home and how sore we were after every class with a WOD (the intro, the 2nd day and yesterday). And how out of shape we really kind of are. But just like when I started running all those 2,300+ days ago, I was very sore after just running a mile. And it was even tough to run a mile. Recently, I’ve run 3 half marathons in one year.

So we decided to sign up to be members of the paying pain club. I still can’t believe I’m going to pay someone to make workouts that will make me want to die. No pain, no gain. Right..?!

Since my calves are still so SO sore from 3 days ago (and now my shoulders and core) I need to give my body a break. Depending on how I feel tomorrow A.M. I may or may not go for a run. And beginning next week, B and I will be attending CF on a regular basis (hopefully). I am just excited about building up strength and endurance. That will definitely help in my running.

2 thoughts on “First Graduating Class of 2013.

  1. Congratulations on graduating onto CF!! For muscle soreness, I love taking hot epsom salt baths with a few drops of lavender oil – sooo relaxing!

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